Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentine-ish Images

Don't get down on yourself if you're single, as I am. I haven't made any special plans for tomorrow night at all. Instead, call up a few close friends and spend the evening preparing a simple dinner and watching a heartwarming film.

Sometimes it can be nice to look back on old memories by rummaging through valentine cards and sweet notes from past loves. I tend to keep a modest collection of heartfelt pieces from past relationships. It can be painful too look at these soon after a breakup though, so you may find it wise to tuck them away for a while before being able to fully appreciate them again.

The following is a letter from years ago that made me smile...
August 2005
Ever since the day I met you, my heart has pounded through my chest. You can make me smile when I am in the worst mood, you have the most beautiful personality of anyone I have met, there are just so many great traits about you that it would take me a week to write them all down. I have never been happier or more satisfied than I have been with you. You truly are a one-of-a-kind girlfriend. You mean so much to me that I am at a loss of words. Thank you for letting me hold you in my arms. I have never felt so complete.
I do hope everyone has a nice valentine's day!

a few related links:
- a collection other people's love letters
- a decadent french recipe for coeur a la creme
dear old love may leave a melancholy aftertaste
onetwothree, four, five love quotes
- a love letter written in one sentence

(photo sources: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7)

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